Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A bit of this and that!

It's the new year, so I'll be better about posting....haha. No promises there but hopefully! Anyways since my last post all kind of things have happened. I am currently writing from North Carolina where I am visiting my sister for he holidays. These past two weeks of vacation have been a much need break from reality and I am not quite sure I will ever be ready for reality again.
Since coming home, I have caught up with friends, hugged everyone in my family (multiple times at that), taken my sisters engagement photos, caught up with a friend I made in Africa, brought in the New Year with the Avett Brothers, and had quality sister time with my best friend.
My New Year is definitely off to a great start. What did you all do for New Years? I'm not much of a New Years person, or a resolutions person, but I like the symbolizing behind the New Year. A clean slate. That's pretty cool.


  1. Beautiful photos! I feel the same way about New Years... you should read the quote I just posted about New Years on my blog... seems to sum up how we both feel. All the best! x

  2. Hayley your family is beautiful! Hope you're enjoying the milder climates (I know I am!) and that you had a wonderful break :)

    - Kelsey

  3. beautiful picture. I like that leather jacket.
