Wednesday, February 15, 2012

{Valentines Day}

I had a wonderful Valentines Day full of relaxation and a bit of laundry. When I came back to my apartment last night, there were flowers on the door from the "fine gentlemen of 410" for my room mates and I. It was so sweet! And then, to finish off the night, one of my room mates and a friend of mine watched Harry Potter (in Spanish with French subtitles). Special memories :)
The countdown is now at 1 day until i leave for the Mediterranean! Can't wait!
Travel / Italy / Summer / Sea
This photo does not belong to me, but click through for the source!
Hope you all had wonderful Valentines Days! What did you do?


  1. The location in the photo looks magical! Valentines day for me was relativeley normal, just me and the bf having a nice meal <3

  2. what a lovely photo! Take me with you please. safe travels. I'm anxious to hear about your adventures out and about. xo

  3. hmm.. Wondering if I might fit in your suitcase? haha
